Product Recall

Having a product recalled due to public safety concerns and brand management is a costly business. Recalls can be triggered by a manufacturing or design error in the product, malicious tampering, malicious publicity, extortion or Government recall.

How we can help

Product Recall Insurance can be arranged to protect against the costs of:

  • Withdrawing products from the market
  • Replacing or repairing the recalled product
  • Engaging expert advice in managing your brand reputation in the public domain
  • Business interruption costs

Product Recall Insurance will reduce the impact that this can have on your organisation, empowering you to make decisions for the future of your business with greater confidence.

Get a Quote

We can help with any matter relating to insurance, from choosing a policy to making a claim.

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Coffs Harbour wooden Jetty located on the East Coast of Australia, Aviso Insurance office just down the road.